Download Moviesy

Move down the page, then click the download Moviesy button to get this app for your Android mobile phone or tablet.

Moviesy is an application that lets you stream and download movies for free! However, unlike other similar apps, Moviesy is a movie app only; you won’t find any TV shows.

You can sideload Moviesy onto almost any Android streaming device. However, it does not work correctly on Firesticks and other Fire TV devices without also using a mouse toggle.

Integration with Real Debrid and Trakt is not supported.

Is Moviesy Legal?

This app does not host content and is essentially just a search engine. It is, therefore, 100% legal to install. However, Moviesy uses torrents. The majority of torrents are likely copyrighted material. In reality, this means you will be unlawfully streaming copyrighted content. Doing so could get you into legal trouble. Accordingly, you may prefer to use this app with a VPN

Move down the page, then click the download Moviesy button to get this app for your Android mobile phone or tablet.

Legal Copyright Disclaimer: As has been noted, streaming copyrighted content is unlawful and could get you into legal trouble. On account of this, we do not condone the streaming of copyrighted content. Therefore, check your local laws for streaming content online before doing so. Consequently, the information on this website is for general information and educational purposes only. 

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