Download Pluto TV

Move down the page and then click the download Pluto TV button to get this app for your Firestick and Android.

Pluto TV is a video streaming service presently owned and operated by Paramount Streaming. You can enjoy over 250 channels that are 100% free but supported by ads. As of January 2022, the service averages over 64 million monthly active users.

Not only does Pluto TV have live TV channels but also a whole load of videos-on-demand. You’ll find everything from sports, entertainment, movies, gaming, kids, wildlife, adventure, as well as comedy and so much more, with no bills, no contract, just free TV.

If you can’t get Pluto TV from your app store, you can sideload it on to almost any Android streaming device as well as all Firesticks and Fire TV devices. Move down the page and then click the download Pluto TV button to download and install the app.

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