Move down the page and then click the download Breaking News Canada button to get this app for your Firestick and Android.
Stream live local news, previous newscasts, and local news clips for FREE from across the Canada.
Some parts of the Breaking News Canada app is only available in Canada. If you are not located in Canada and want to stream content from the Breaking News Canada app, you may be able to use a VPN to bypass any location blocks.
NordVPN is my recommendation because it has strong unblocking capabilities. If you currently use IP Vanish as your VPN and want to unblock streaming services, I would consider switching to my recommended VPN. Despite IP Vanish being a safe and secure VPN, it does not have very good unblocking capabilities. Furthermore, you will struggle to use streaming services that are based outside of your location. Move down the page then click the download Breaking News Canada button to get this app for your Firestick and Android.

Version 11.1.0